Girls in Tech

Girls in Tech is a global non-profit organization focused on the engagement, education, and empowerment of women in technology. Founded in 2007 by Adriana Gascoigne, the organization has grown from San Francisco to more than 50 chapters located in North America, Europe, Asia, The Middle East, Africa, and South America.


In February 2007, Gascoigne Launched Girls in Tech in San Francisco after noticing she was one of the only females at her tech company.
In July 2008, the second chapter of Girls in Tech launched in Los Angeles.
In December 2008, Girls in Tech New York launched.
In January 2009, the first international chapter of Girls in Tech launched in London simultaneously with new chapters in Austin, Boston, and Portland.
In April 2015, at a Girls in Tech conference in Phoenix, Tania Katan introduced "It Was Never a Dress", that re-imagined the generic symbol for a woman on bathroom signs as wearing a cape instead of a dress.
As of July 2015, there were 47 chapters around the world.
In January 2016, ESPN Women partnered with Girls in Tech for a Hackathon ahead of the Super Bowl.
In May 2016, Girls in Tech partnered with Traction Labs to offer free San Francisco office space to women and minority entrepreneurs.


Girls in Tech has created a number of programs to increase the number of women working in technology, including Global Classroom, an online learning platform that provides access to online courses and resources to improve knowledge in STEM related fields. Other programs include the Amplify Pitch Competition, Mentorship, and tech job openings, amongst others.