Ginkgo CADx

Ginkgo CADx is a multi platform DICOM viewer and dicomizer. Ginkgo CADx is licensed under LGPL license, being an open source project with an Open core approach. The goal of Ginkgo CADx project is to develop an open source professional DICOM workstation.
Ginkgo CADx also has a professional version with a private license model called Ginkgo CADx Pro.

About Ginkgo CADx

The main features of this software are:
Ginkgo CADx is written in C++, has a plug-in architecture, and is cross-platform by way of CMake. It is also based on common open source libraries like VTK, ITK, and wxWidgets.


Ginkgo CADx project started in 2009 with the aim to create an interactive, universal, homogeneous, open-source and cross-platform CADx environment. Developed by MetaEmotion, the first public version of Ginkgo CADx was released in 2010.
The Ginkgo CADx team have collaborated with: