Gina Dent

Gina Dent is an associate professor of Feminist Studies at UC Santa Cruz in California.


Dent received her B. A. in Comparative Literature from University of California, Berkeley, her M.A.and Ph.D. in English & Comparative Literature from Columbia University.


Dent is currently an associate professor of feminist studies, history of consciousness, and legal studies in the humanities division at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her research interests include Africana studies, legal theory, and popular culture. She is the editor of Black Popular Culture. This collection was named a Village Voice Best Book of the Year. In 2011, Dent served in a delegation to Palestine, and she advocates for human rights in the region. She is a sought-after internationally as speaker and educator on Black Feminism and abolitionism. She has two forthcoming books, Prison as a Border and Other Essays, and Anchored to the Real: Black Literature in the Wake of Anthropology, which will be published by Duke University Press.