Ghost Mine (TV series)

Ghost Mine is an American paranormal television series that premiered on January 16, 2013, in the United States on the Syfy channel. The series features a group of hard rock miners searching for gold in Oregon's Crescent Mine. Two paranormal investigators accompany them in an attempt to determine if the location is haunted.
On April 10, 2013, Syfy renewed the series for a 12-episode second season which premiered September 4, 2013.
On December 19, 2013, Paranormal Investigator Patrick Doyle reported via his Facebook page that Syfy had decided not to renew the show for a third season.


The series proposes that certain mines are haunted by ghosts of miners from Gold Rush days, or by spirits that superstitious miners call "Tommy-Knockers". Paranormal investigators Patrick and Kristen go into the mine first and investigate using equipment they believe can detect supernatural activity. Then it's Mine Foreman Stan's hard rock miner crew's turn to work the mine while the investigators monitor them on their DVR system in an attempt to see if they experience anything supernatural. In the end, the investigators show their evidence to the miners and state their opinions regarding the degree of supernatural activity they believe is present.
Opening introduction:
Tagline: The deeper you go. The darker it gets.

Cast and Crew

Mine Owner:
Hard Rock Miners:
Paranormal Investigators:

Season 1 (2013)

Season 2 (2013)

Current Status

As of 2013, the Crescent mine has been listed for sale with Cascade Sotheby's realty for an assessed value of $2.5 million. Larry Overman the mine owner finally placed a monument which had been planned for years, the stone was the corner stone to the original miners lodge that used to stand on the property to keep the spirit "at peace".


In October 2016, Ghost Mine premiered on Destination America.