Ghatigaon Wildlife Sanctuary

Ghatigaon Wildlife Sanctuary is a wildlife sanctuary in India. Ghatigaon covers 511.0 km² in Madhya Pradesh state, west of the city of Gwalior. It extends to Tigra Dam, and includes part of the reservoir.
It was established in 1981 to protect habitat of the great Indian bustard '. It is home to many other birds, as well as blackbuck ', chital ', wild boar, and striped hyena '.
The sanctuary in the Khathiar-Gir dry deciduous forests ecoregion. The predominant vegetation is low shrubland and woodland. The predominant tree species is khair, with tendu, reonjha, and others. Shrubland species include Zizyphus spp. and the grasses Eragrostis tenella, Aristida hystrix, and Apluda mutica.