Ghana Optometric Association

The Ghana Optometric Association is the professional and regulatory body responsible for the development of the Optometry profession in Ghana.


The association was formed in 1997 to unite the optometry professionals as well as provide a united front to promote the activities of member.



Five executives lead the GOA. It is headed by the late Dr Julius Darko as President of GOA, then subsequently Dr.Samuel O.Asiedu.
Dr Remi Ninkpe is the current president.


The association in 2009 passed a resolution mandating all optometrists wanting to be members to write a professional exam. Upon successfully passing the exam, the certification required to practice optometry in Ghana is awarded. The group has about 200 members. In 2010 the Ghana Optometric Association along with the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology's Faculty of Distance Learning rolled out a two-year program to offer all members of GOA who did not have the Doctor of Optometry degree to enroll for it. The aim of the programme is to ensure that by the end of 2012 all optometrists in Ghana will have the O.D degree as is required under the Ministry of Health. This was successfully accomplished. As such, the OD certificate in OPTOMETRY, is the only recognised for practise in GHANA. The GOA has grown since its inception. Apart from regulating the activities of optometrists countrywide, it also looks out for the well being of its members in ways such as:
One of the major achievements of GOA was hosting the World Council of Optometry General Delegates meeting in Accra from 6 to 10 April 2005. It was the first time the meeting was held in Africa.
The Ghana Optometric Association did so in collaboration with the Africa Council of Optometry with sponsorship from Essilor International. It was attended by about 200 delegates from the council.