Ghana Library Association

The Ghana Library Association is the main professional organisation representing libraries and information services in Ghana. It was founded in 1962 by the West African Library Association. Eve Evans had started the WALA and she was to have an important role in creating a library service in Ghana.
The GLA is a registered professional association under the Professional Bodies Decree NRCD 143 of 1973 with Registered No. PB 21 on 2 August 1986 in accordance with the laws of Ghana. It publishes the Ghana Library Journal, a peer-reviewed journal of Library science. The association has been in existence for over 54 years. It went through a period of activity and inactivity in the 1970s, but since 1983 it has been revived and growing steadily.
The Association has an elected governing council for a two-year tenure, chaired by the President, who sees to the running of the association.
The 19th President of the Association is Mr. Samuel Bentil Aggrey, a senior librarian at Accra City Campus, University of Ghana.


There is a constitution which guides the activities of the association and this can be found here.

Code of Ethics

This is available here.

Membership of Professional Bodies

The Association is a member of the following professional bodies:
1stMr. R. G. M. Pitcher1962-1963
2ndMr. E. K. Koranteng1963-1964
3rdMr. A. G. T. Ofori1963-1964
4thMr. E. K. Amedeke1965-1967
5thMr. David E. M. Odoi1967-1969
6thMr. David Cornelius1969-1971
7thMr. A. N. De Heer1971-1977
8thMr. G. C. O. Lamptey1977-1983
9thMr. J. A. Villars1983-1988
10thMr. Samson Afre1988-1990
11thMr. Daniel B. Addo1990-1992
12thNana Asiedu1992-1996
13thMrs. Matilda Amissah-Arthur1996-1998
14thMr. Clement Entsua-Mensah1998-2002
15thHelena R. Asamoah-Hassan2002-2006
16thMrs. Valentina J. A. Bannerman2006-2010
17thMr. Albert K. A. Fynn2010-2012
18thMrs. Perpetua S. Dadzie2013-2016
19thMr. Samuel Bentil Aggrey2017 - date
