Gerald O'Connor

Charles Gerald O'Connor was a provincial politician from Alberta, Canada. He served as a member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1935 to 1940, sitting with the Liberal caucus in government. He also served on the Edmonton City Council in 1932 and 1933.

Member of Legislative Assembly

O'Connor although not high ranking in first count votes in the 1935 election, tok a seat due to vote transfers from other candidates conducted under the STV system in use to elect Edmonton MLAs at the time.
O'Connor ran for re-election in 1940, but although a sitting MLA, saw two other candidates of his party take seats in Edmonton while he was out of job. His party was popular, but he personally was not, and STV, used to elect Edmonton's MLAs at the time, gave power to the voters to pick and choose their representatives, unlike the situation if there had been party list PR.