Georges de Morsier

Georges de Morsier was a French-Swiss neurologist.
He studied natural sciences and medicine in Geneva, and following graduation, returned to Paris as an assistant to psychiatrist Gaétan de Clérambault. In 1928 he became a privat-docent for neurology and psychiatry. In 1941 he became an associate professor at Geneva, where in 1960, he was appointed professor of neurology and director of the university neurological clinic. From 1962 onward, he was also in charge of the neurological polyclinic.
Known for his research of visual hallucinations, he is credited with coining the terms "Charles Bonnet syndrome" and "Zingerle syndrome" for specific hallucinatory conditions. He also honored his mentor, Gaétan de Clérambault, with a syndrome — it being defined as a hallucinatory state characterized by auditory and visual hallucinations associated with chronic psychosis. The condition was earlier described by Clérambault in the context with his research on mental automatisms.
The eponym "De Morsier's syndrome" is a synonym for septo-optic dysplasia.