George Mosse Fund
The Foundation George Mosse Fund of the University of Amsterdam is a Dutch foundation that aims to promote gay and lesbian studies. It was founded in 2001 at the University of Amsterdam, with a bequest from George Mosse's inheritance, given out of appreciation for the cultural-historical education and research on homosexuality in Amsterdam. The foundation is known primarily for its Mosse Lectures and its QueerTalk events.
Mosse Lectures
An initiative of the George Mosse Fund, the Mosse Lectures is a series of public lectures held annually in Amsterdam, organized by the George Mosse Fund, in collaboration with IHLIA. The series was inaugurated by Hafid Bouazza, a Moroccan-Dutch writer.Year | Lecturer | Title | Ref. |
2002 | Hafid Bouazza | "Homoseksualiteit en Islam" | |
2003 | Marjan Sax | "Naar een nieuwe seksuele revolutie" | |
2004 | Dolly Bellefleur | "Transformatiekunst, miskende muze" | |
2005 | Bas Heijne | "De eeuwige homo" | |
2006 | Maaike Meijer | "Leve de penisnijd" | |
2007 | Gerardjan Rijnders | "De buik vol" | |
2008 | Gerrit Komrij | "Waarom zijn Nederlanders zo dol op homoseksuelen?" | |
2009 | Gloria Wekker | "Van Homo Nostalgie en betere tijden. Multiculturaliteit en postkolonialiteit" | |
2009 | Marjolijn Kok | "Queering the questions: Archaeology and fragmentation" | |
2010 | Stephan Sanders | "Homoseksualiteit & het Goede Leven. Over homoseksueel denken, doen en zijn" | |
2011 | Maxim Februari | "Wat is seks eigenlijk?" | |
2012 | Ted van Lieshout | "Drijft de emancipatie homo's terug in de kast?" | |
2013 | Jet Bussemaker | "Grenzen aan homo-emancipatiebeleid: burgerwacht of politieagent? – Over de 'red lines' van het homo-emancipatiebeleid" | |
2014 | Mohammed Benzakour | "HoMa: Zwierige redder in nood" | |
2015 | Hedy d'Ancona | "Voorbij de M/V-maatschappij?" | |
2015 | David Bos | "Equal rites before the law: religious celebrations of same-sex relationships in the Netherlands, 1967-1970" | |
2016 | Simone van Saarloos | "Are You Out To Be Gay?" | |
2017 | Gert Hekma | "Vijftig jaar homo-acceptatie uit de kast. Van onbereikbaar ideaal tot ontoereikend perspectief" | |
2018 | Karin Spaink | "Tussen Grewel en Fortuyn: Identiteit, herzuiling, privilege en verschil" | |
2019 | Joke Swiebel | "1969: roze revolutie of verloren strijd?" |