Geometry Festival
The Geometry Festival is an annual mathematics conference held in the United States.
Previous Geometry Festival speakers
1985 at Penn
- Marcel Berger
- Pat Eberlein
- Jost Eschenburg
- Friedrich Hirzebruch
- Blaine Lawson
- Leon Simon
- Scott Wolpert
- Deane Yang
1986 at Maryland
- Uwe Abresch, Explicit constant mean curvature tori
- Zhi-yong Gao, The existence of negatively Ricci curved metrics
- David Hoffman, New results in the global theory of minimal surfaces
- Jack Lee, Conformal geometry and the Yamabe problem
- Ngaiming Mok, Compact Kähler manifolds of non-negative curvature
- John Morgan, Self dual connections and the topology of 4-manifolds
- Chuu-Lian Terng, Submanifolds with flat normal bundle
1987 at Penn
- Robert Bryant, The construction of metrics with exceptional holonomy
- Francis Bonahon, Hyperbolic 3-manifolds with arbitrarily short geodesics
- Keith Burns, Geodesic flows on the 2-sphere
- Andreas Floer, Instantons and Casson's invariant
- Hermann Karcher, Embedded minimal surfaces in the 3-sphere
- Jürgen Moser, Minimal foliations of tori
- Edward Witten. Applications of quantum field theory to topology
1988 at North Carolina
- Detlef Gromoll, On complete spaces of non-negative Ricci curvature
- Nicolas Kapouleas, Constant mean curvature surfaces in E3
- Robert Osserman, Gauss map of complete minimal surfaces
- Pierre Pansu, Lp-cohomology of negatively curved manifolds
- Peter Petersen, Bounding homotopy types by geometry
- Gang Tian, Kähler-Einstein metrics on quasiprojective manifolds
- DaGang Yang, Some new examples of manifolds of positive Ricci curvature
- Wolfgang Ziller, Recent results on Einstein metrics
1989 at Stony Brook
- Eugenio Calabi, Extremal singular metrics on surfaces
- Harold Donnelly, Nodal sets of eigenfunctions on Riemannian manifolds
- Yakov Eliashberg, Symplectic geometric methods in several complex variables
- F. Thomas Farrell, A topological analogue of Mostow's rigidity theorem
- Lesley Sibner, Solutions to Yang-Mills equations which are not self-dual
- Carlos Simpson, Moduli spaces of representations of fundamental groups
1990 at Maryland
- Michael T. Anderson, Behavior of metrics under Ricci curvature bounds
- Kevin Corlette, Harmonic maps and geometric superrigidity
- Kenji Fukaya, Fundamental groups of almost non-negatively curved manifolds
- Mikhail Gromov, Recent progress in symplectic geometry
- Werner Müller, On spectral theory for locally symmetric manifolds with finite volume
- Rick Schoen, Least area problems for Lagrangian submanifolds
- Gudlaugur Thorbergsson, Isoparametric submanifolds and their Tits buildings
- Shing-Tung Yau, Some theorems in Kähler geometry
1991 at Duke
- Jeff Cheeger, Transgressed Euler classes of SL-bundles and adiabatic limits of eta-invariants
- Chris Croke, Volumes of balls in manifolds without conjugate points and rigidity of geodesic flows
- Carolyn Gordon, When you can't hear the shape of a manifold
- Wu-Yi Hsiang, Sphere packing and spherical geometry: The Kepler conjecture and beyond
- Alan Nadel, On the geometry of Fano varieties
- Grigori Perelman, Alexandrov's spaces with curvature bounded from below
- Stephan Stolz, On the space of positive curvature metrics modulo diffeomorphisms
1992 at Courant
- Jonathan Block, Aperiodic tilings, positive scalar curvature and other homological phenomena
- John Franks, Infinitely many closed geodesics on the 2-sphere
- Karsten Grove, The inevitable presence of singular spaces in Riemannian geometry
- Lisa Jeffrey, Volumes of moduli spaces of flat connections on Riemannian surfaces
- Jun Li, Anti-self-dual connections on SU bundles over algebraic surfaces
- Dusa McDuff, Symplectic 4-manifolds
- Clifford Taubes, Anti-self dual conformal structures in 4 dimensions
1993 at Penn
- Shiing-Shen Chern, Finsler geometry
- Richard S. Hamilton, An isoperimetric estimate for the curve-shrinking flow
- Vaughan Jones, Loop groups and operator algebras
- Claude LeBrun, Compact Kähler manifolds of constant scalar curvature
- Louis Nirenberg, The maximum principle and related things
- Xiaochun Rong, Collapsing in low dimensions and rationality of geometric invariants
- Isadore Singer, Geometry and quantum field theory
1995 at Stony Brook
- Dimitri Burago, Asymptotic geometry of Z^n-periodic metrics
- Tobias Colding, Ricci curvature and convergence
- Dominic Joyce, Compact Riemannian manifolds with exceptional holonomy groups
- Yael Karshon, Hamiltonian torus actions
- David Morrison, Analogues of Seiberg-Witten invariants for counting curves on Calabi-Yau manifolds
- Tomasz Mrowka, The Seiberg-Witten equations and 4-manifold topology
- Yongbin Ruan, Higher genus pseudo-holomorphic curves
- Edward Witten, Monopoles and four-manifolds
1996 at Maryland
- John C. Baez, Quantum gravity and BF theory in 4 dimensions
- Jean-Luc Brylinski, Gauge groups and reciprocity laws on algebraic varieties
- Bruce Kleiner, Spaces of nonpositive curvature
- Grigory Margulis, Quantitative Oppenheim Conjecture
- Sergei P. Novikov, Laplace and Darboux transformations
- Richard Schwartz, The Devil's Pentagram
- Guofang Wei, Volume comparison with integral curvature bounds
- Shmuel Weinberger, Equivariant rigidity: For and against
1997 at Duke
- Jeanne Nielsen Clelland, Geometry of Conservation Laws for Parabolic PDE's
- Anatole Katok, Rigidity and invariant geometric structures for differentiable group actions
- François Labourie, Monge-Ampere problems, holomorphic curves and laminations
- Gang Liu, Floer Homology and the Arnold Conjecture
- William Minicozzi II, Harmonic functions on manifolds
- Lorenz Schwachhöfer, The classification of irreducible holonomies of torsion free connections
- Matthias Schwarz, Symplectic fixed points and quantum cohomology
- Stephen Semmes, Geometry with little smoothness
1998 at Stony Brook
- Scott Axelrod, Generalized Chern-Simons invariants as a generalized Lagrangian field theory
- Jean-Michel Bismut, Chern-Simons classes, Bott Chern classes and analytic torsion
- Spencer Bloch, Algebro-geometric Chern-Simons classes
- Robert Bryant, Recent progress on the holonomy classification problem
- Robert Bryant, Recent results and open problems in Finsler geometry
- Jeff Cheeger and Blaine Lawson, The mathematical work of James Simons
- Jeff Cheeger, Ricci Curvature
- Jürg Fröhlich, Physics and the Chern-Simons form
- Mikhail Gromov, Dynamics on function spaces
- Maxim Kontsevich, On regulators, critical values and q-factorials
- Blaine Lawson, Connections and singularities of maps
- Robert MacPherson, Spaces with torus actions
- John Milnor, Remarks on geometry and dynamics
- I.M. Singer, TBA
- Dennis Sullivan A combinatorial model for non-linearity
- Clifford Taubes, Seiberg-Witten invariants, harmonic forms, and their pseudo-holomorphic curves
- Gang Tian, Yang-Mills connections and calibration
- C.-N. Yang, Vector potentials and connections
- Shing-Tung Yau, Mirror symmetry and rational curves
1999 at Penn
- Peter Sarnak, Some spectral problems on negatively curved manifolds
- Zheng-xu He, The gradient flow for the Möbius energy of knots
- Curtis McMullen, The moduli space of Riemann surfaces is Kähler-hyperbolic
- Paul Biran, Lagrange skeletons and symplectic rigidity
- Helmut Hofer, Holomorphic curves and contact geometry
- Werner Ballmann, On negative curvature and the essential spectrum of geometric operators
- Shlomo Sternberg, Multiplets of representations and Kostant's Dirac operator''
2000 at Maryland
- Samuel Ferguson, The Kepler Conjecture
- Robert Meyerhoff, Rigorous computer-aided proofs in the theory of hyperbolic 3-manifolds
- Herman Gluck, Geometry, topology and plasma physics
- Burkhard Wilking, New examples of manifolds with positive sectional curvature almost everywhere
- John Roe, Amenability and assembly maps
- Eleny Ionel, Gromov invariants of symplectic sums
- Mikhail Gromov, Spaces of holomorphic maps
2001 at Northeastern
- Robert Bryant, Rigidity and quasirigidity of extremal cycles in Hermitian symmetric spaces
- Tobias Colding, Embedded minimal surfaces in 3-manifolds
- Boris Dubrovin, Normal forms of integrable PDE's
- John Lott, Heat equation methods in noncommutative geometry
- Dusa McDuff, Seminorms on the Hamiltonian group and the nonsqueezing theorem
- Rick Schoen, Variational approaches to the construction minimal lagrangian submanifolds
- Shing-Tung Yau, Mirror symmetry
2002 at Courant
- Denis Auroux, Singular plane curves and topological invariants of symplectic manifolds
- Hugh Bray, On the mass of higher dimensional black holes
- Alice Chang, Conformally invariant operators and the Gauss-Bonnet integrand
- Xiuxiong Chen, The space of Kähler metrics
- George Daskalopoulos, On the Yang-Mills flow in higher dimensions
- Alex Eskin, Billiards and lattices
- Juha Heinonen, On the existence of quasiregular mappings
2003 at Duke
- Bennett Chow, Harnack estimates of Li-Yau-Hamilton type for the Ricci flow
- Anda Degeratu, Geometrical McKay Correspondence
- Ron Donagi, Griffiths' intermediate Jacobians, integrable systems, and string theory
- John Etnyre, Legendrian knots in high dimensions
- Joe Harris, Are Cubics Rational?
- Claude LeBrun, Zoll Manifolds, Complex Surfaces, and Holomorphic Disks
- John Morgan, Variations of Hodge structure for 1-parameter families of Calabi-Yau three-folds
- Madhav Nori, A modified Hodge conjecture
- Justin Sawon, Twisted Fourier-Mukai transforms for holomorphic symplectic manifolds
- Wilfried Schmid, Automorphic distributions, L-functions, and functional equations
- Jeff Viaclovsky, Fully nonlinear equations and conformal geometry
- Claire Voisin, K-correspondences and intrinsic pseudovolume forms
2004 at Courant
- Jean-Michel Bismut, The Hypoelliptic Laplacian on the Cotangent Bundle
- Yasha Eliashberg, Positive Loops of Contact Transformations
- Blaine Lawson, Projective Hulls and the Projective Gelfand Transformation
- Dusa McDuff, Applications of J-holomorphic Curves
- Xiaochun Rong, Local splitting structures on nonpositively curved manifolds
- Dennis Sullivan, Algebraic topology in string backgrounds
- Gang Tian, Extremal Metrics and Holomorphic Discs
- Edward Witten, Gauge Theory Scattering From Curves In CP3
2005 at Stony Brook
- Nancy Hingston, Periodic solutions of Hamilton's equations on tori
- Sergiu Klainerman, Null hypersurfaces and curvature estimates in general relativity
- Bruce Kleiner, Singular structure of mean curvature flow
- Frank Pacard, Blowing up Kähler manifolds with constant scalar curvature
- Rahul Pandharipande, A topological view of Gromov-Witten theory
- Igor Rodniansky, Non-linear waves and Einstein geometry
- Yum-Tong Siu, Methods of singular metrics in algebraic geometry
- Katrin Wehrheim, Floer theories in symplectic topology and gauge theory
2006 at Penn
- Jeff Cheeger, Differentiation, bi-Lipschitz nonembedding and embedding
- Charles Fefferman, Fitting a smooth function to data
- Helmut Hofer, On the analytic and geometric foundations of symplectic field theory
- Ko Honda, Reeb vector fields and open book decompositions
- William H. Meeks, The Dynamics Theorem for embedded minimal surfaces
- Yair Minsky, Asymptotic geometry of the mapping class group
- Frank Morgan, Manifolds with Density
- Zoltan Szabo, Link Floer homology and the Thurston norm
2007 at Maryland
- Dan Freed, Secondary differential-geometric invariants, generalized cohomology, and QCD
- Xiaobo Lu, Mean curvature flow for isoparametric submanifolds
- Vitali Kapovitch, Some open problems in comparison geometry
- Maryam Mirzakhani, Lattice point asymptotics and conformal densities on Teichmüller space
- Charles Epstein, Stein fillings and index theorems
- Guoliang Yu, Group actions and K-theory
- Simon Brendle, Blow-up phenomena for the Yamabe PDE in high dimensions
2008 at Duke
- Michael Anderson, Conformally compact Einstein metrics with prescribed conformal infinity
- Robert Bryant,Riemannian Submersions as PDE
- Greg Galloway, Stability of marginally trapped surfaces with applications to black holes
- Marcus Khuri, The Yamabe Problem Revisited
- John Lott, Optimal transport in Riemannian geometry and Ricci flow
- William Minicozzi, The rate of change of width under flows
- Duong Phong, Stability and constant scalar curvature
- Jeff Viaclovsky, Orthogonal Complex Structures
2009 at Stony Brook
- Jeff Cheeger, Quantitative Behavior of Maps from the Heisenberg Group to L1
- Marcos Dajczer, Conformal Killing graphs with prescribed mean curvature
- Karsten Grove, Positive curvature: the quest for examples
- Wolfgang Meyer, The Contributions of Detlef Gromoll to Riemannian Geometry
- Gabriel Paternain, Transparent Connections over Negatively Curved Surfaces
- Christina Sormani, The Intrinsic Flat Distance between Riemannian Manifolds
- Guofang Wei, Smooth Metric Measure Spaces
2010 at Courant
- Tim Austin : Rational group ring elements with kernels having irrational von Neumann dimension
- Xiuxiong Chen : The space of Kaehler metrics
- Tobias Colding : Sharp Hölder continuity of tangent cones for spaces with a lower Ricci curvature bound and applications
- Marianna Csörnyei : Tangents of null sets
- Larry Guth : Contraction of surface areas vs. topology of mappings
- Jeremy Kahn : Essential immersed surfaces in closed hyperbolic three-manifolds
- Gang Tian : Kähler–Ricci flow through finite-time singularities
2011 at Penn
- Hubert Bray : On dark matter, spiral galaxies, and the axioms of general relativity
- Tobias Colding : Generic mean curvature flow
- Claude LeBrun : On Hermitian Einstein 4-manifolds
- Natasa Sesum : Yamabe Solitons
- Pete Storm : Infinitesimal rigidity of hyperbolic manifolds with totally geodesic boundary
- Brian Weber : Regularity and convergence of extremal Kaehler metrics
- Shing-Tung Yau : An appreciation of Eugenio Calabi and his work
- Shing-Tung Yau : Quasi-local mass in general relativity
2012 at Duke
- John Etnyre : Surgery and tight contact structures
- Valentino Tosatti : The evolution of a Hermitian metric by its Chern-Ricci curvature
- Carla Cederbaum : From Newton to Einstein: A guided tour through space and time
- Jan Metzger : On isoperimetric surfaces in asymptotically flat manifolds
- Fernando Codá Marques : Min-max theory and the Willmore conjecture
- Yanir Rubinstein : Einstein metrics on Kähler manifolds
- Simon Brendle : Rotational symmetry of self-similar solutions to the Ricci flow
- Mu-Tao Wang : A variational problem for isometric embeddings and its applications in general relativity
- Gordana Matic : Contact invariant in Sutured Floer Homology and fillability
2013 at Maryland
- Bo Berndtsson : Variations of Bergman kernels and symmetrization of plurisubharmonic functions
- Simon Donaldson : Kähler-Einstein metrics, extremal metrics and stability
- Hans-Joachim Hein : Singularities of Kähler-Einstein metrics and complete Calabi-Yau manifolds
- Peter Kronheimer : Instanton homology for knots and webs
- Andrea Malchiodi : Uniformization of surfaces with conical singularities
- Aaron Naber : Characterizations of bounded Ricci curvature and applications
- Yuval Peres : The geometry of fair allocation to random points
- Brian White : Gap theorems for minimal submanifolds of spheres
2014 at Stony Brook
- Robert Bryant : Rolling surfaces and exceptional geometry
- Alice Chang : On positivity of a class of conformal covariant operators
- Mihalis Dafermos : On null singularities for the Einstein vacuum equations and the strong cosmic censorship conjecture in general relativity
- Kenji Fukaya : Mirror symmetry between Toric A model and LG B model: some recent progress
- Matthew Gursky : Critical metrics on connected sums of Einstein four-manifolds
- Robert Haslhofer : Mean curvature flow with surgery
- Andre Neves : Existence of minimal hypersurfaces
- Song Sun : Kähler-Einstein metrics: Gromov-Hausdorff limits and algebraic geometry
2015 at Courant
- Gábor Székelyhidi : Kahler-Einstein metrics along the smooth continuity method
- Blaine Lawson : Potential theory for nonlinear PDE's
- John Pardon : Existence of Lefschetz vibrations on Stein/Weinstein domains
- Raanan Schul : Qualitative and quantitative rectifiability
- Ursula Hamenstädt : A Gromov/Thurston rigidity theorem for hyperbolic groups
- Tatiana Toro : Almost minimizers with free boundary
- Richard Bamler : There are finitely many surgeries in Perelman's Ricci flow
2016 at Princeton
- Claude LeBrun : Mass in Kähler Geometry
- Ian Agol : Pseudo-Anosov stretch factors and homology of mapping tori
- Davi Maximo : Minimal surfaces with bounded index
- Fernando Marques : Morse index and multiplicity of min-max minimal hypersurfaces
- Nancy Hingston : Loop Products, Index Growth, and Dynamics
- Jennifer Hom : Symplectic four-manifolds and Heegaard Floer homology
- Fengbo Hang : Fourth order Paneitz operator and Q curvature equation
- Jake Solomon : The space of positive Lagrangians
2017 at Duke
- Lucas Ambrozio - Some new results for free boundary minimal surfaces
- Otis Chodosh - Some new results on the global geometry of scalar curvature
- Mark Haskins
- Chi Li - On metric tangent cones at Klt singularities
- Marco Radeschi - "When all geodesics are closed"
- Christina Sormani - "The Limits of Sequences of manifolds with Nonnegative Scalar Curvature"
- Jeff Streets - Generalized Kahler Ricci flow and a generalized Calabi conjecture
2018 at Penn
- Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
- Eugenio Calabi
- Yakov Eliashberg
- Carolyn S. Gordon
- Daniel Ketover
- Yevgeny Liokumovich
- Rick Schoen
- Jenny Wilson
2019 at Maryland
- Yann Brenier - Fluid Mechanics and Geometry
- Dietmar Salamon - Moment maps in symplectic and Kähler geometry
- Aleksandr Logunov - Zero sets of Laplace eigenfunctions
- Jim Bryan AG - The enumerative geometry and arithmetic of some of the world’s Tiniest Calabi-Yau threefolds
- Yi Wang - Boundary operator associated to σk curvature
- Steven Zelditch - Spectral asymptotics on stationary spacetimes
- Xuwen Zhu Spherical Metrics with Conical Singularities
- Alex Wright - Nearly Fuchsian surface subgroups of finite covolume Kleinian groups