
Geobreeders is a Japanese manga series by Akihiro Ito. Two anime OVAs were also produced to tell part of the story, with "Kitty" taking place during the timeline between volumes 5 and 6 of the manga, and "Breakthrough" acting as an introduction to volume 8. The OAVs were distributed in Japan by Shōnen Gaho-sha and JVC and in North America by U.S. Manga Corps under a single title. The manga was partially translated by CPM Manga. A sidestory, drawn by Isamu Imakake was released as Geobreeders Atomic Attack. Also known as AA, Atomic Attack relates how the female were-cat Vashuka went to Russia to get the warhead that gets featured in "Get Back the Kitty". The main storyline in Geobreeders parts 1 and 2 ended with volume 16 of the manga. Itou attempted to start part 3, with only Taba reappearing three years later, but only three known chapters ran in Young King Ours in 2009 before Itou fell ill and stopped drawing altogether. Geobreeders is currently on hiatus.
The first OVA was later broadcast in Japan on Fuji TV from April 14, 2004 to May 12, 2004.


Ayagane City has a phantom cat problem. A young and overzealous group of entrepreneurs called Kagura Total Security can be hired to combat this problem for the right price when Hound, the official government arm, isn't enough. However, there are plots and subplots floating beneath the surface, both involving Kagura, and the were-cats, led by Kuro-Neko, themselves. Both the manga and the OVAs are heavily action-driven, with gunfights appearing every few chapters.


; Yuka Kikushima
; Maki Umezaki
; Eiko Randou
; Takami Sakuragi
; Yuu Himehagi
; Yoichi Taba
; Kuro-Neko
; Maya
; Vashuka
; Socks
; Taki
; Captain Hirokuni Yajima
; Squad Leader Kaoru Yoda
; Ayumi Narusawa
; Yuma Kikushima
; Shozou Irie, the 3rd
; Kotoi


The majority of the story is told in the 16 volumes of the Geobreeders manga, which is broken up into parts 1 and 2. Itou attempted to start up Part 3 in 2009, but reportedly fell ill after 3 chapters appeared in Monthly OURsLITE, and stopped writing entirely. However, a sidestory set between volumes 5 and 6, Atomic Attack, describes how Vashuka gets the warhead that is featured in volume 6. And the OAV Get Back the Kitty tells the battle between Hound, Kagura, the CIA and the two were-cat factions as Kuro-Neko attempts to smuggle the warhead into Japan, and the anti-KN faction tries to take it for itself. The 4-part Breakthrough OAV is a sidestory used to introduce Blue Shooting Star, and chronologically occurs some time prior to volume 8. In addition, 4 soundtrack drama CDs were produced as enactments of the first chapters of the manga.