
Genostar is a bioinformatics provider based in Grenoble, France. The company was founded in 2004 following the "Genostar consortium" that was created in 1999 as a public-private consortium by Genome Express, Hybrigenics, INRIA and The Pasteur Institute.


Metabolic Pathway Builder is a bioinformatics environment dedicated to microbial research. This covers sequence assembly, mapping, annotation transfer and identification of protein domains, comparative genomics, structural searches, metabolic pathway analysis, modeling and simulation of biological networks. Genostar's software is platform independent and can thus be used for both Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.

Sequence assembly

Metabolic Pathway Builder integrates several methods dedicated to proteic annotation:
Genostar's Expression Data Solution connects microarray data to genes, gene products and biochemical reactions, based on keywords and annotations. This software allows to:
Genostar's MicroB database is constructed of perfectly integrated and rigorously cross-checked genomic, proteic, biochemical and metabolic data approximately 1100 bacterial and archaeal organisms.

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