Genesis (2018 Canadian film)
Genesis is a Canadian drama film, directed by Philippe Lesage and released in 2018. The film stars Théodore Pellerin and Noée Abita as Guillaume and Charlotte, teenage half-siblings simultaneously struggling with romance; Charlotte is in a relationship with Maxime, but is reeling from his proposal that they change to an open relationship, while Guillaume is a student at an all-boys boarding school who is developing a romantic and sexual attraction to his classmate Nicolas.
The cast also includes Paul Ahmarani, Rose-Marie Perreault, Jean-Simon Leduc and Mylène Mackay. The film also includes a segment which shifts to focus on the story of Félix, the lead character of Lesage's 2015 film The Demons .
In December 2018, the Toronto International Film Festival named the film to its annual year-end Canada's Top Ten list.
Genesis received three Canadian Screen Award nominations at the 7th Canadian Screen Awards, for Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor. It also received five Prix Iris nominations at the 21st Quebec Cinema Awards, for Best Film, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Editing and Best Make-Up.