
Gcwihaba is a cave in Botswana located in Okavango Delta region. The cave is situated 10 km away from the Namibian border. In 1932 it was first shown to a European, Ghanzi region farmer Martinus Drotsky, and the main cavern was named Drotsky's cavern after him.
Gwchihaba is a Botswanan National Monument, and has been put forward to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. It is the type locality of the mineral gwihabaite.
Even though nothing was found in the first 50 cm of cave during the excavations to affirm that the cave was settled as a camp, 51 stone artefacts   were released in the upper  50 cm of the cave. 50-80 cm of the cave is called The Terminal Pleistocene charcoal layer. More cultural relics were observed in this layer. Bones of African bullfrogs and pieces of ostrich eggshell were among the findings.