Gayane Hovhannisyan

Gayane Hovhannisyan is an Armenian linguist, Doctor of Sciences in Philology/Linguistics, Professor.


Gayane Hovhannisyan was born in 1965 in Yerevan. In 1987 she graduated from Yerevan Institute of Russian and Foreign Languages with honors, gained Ph.D. in General and Applied Linguistics at Russian National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Linguistics, 1993, Moscow. In 2000 she obtained D.Sc. in Linguistics at YSU & NAS, Armenia.
Between 1993-1996 she taught English in Moscow, 1995-1996 she held the position of Scientific Secretary at Leo Tolstoy Institute of Languages and Cultures, Moscow, Russian Federation. From 1996 to 2001 she taught English Linguistics and Psycholinguistics at the Faculty of Germanic and Romance Languages, Yerevan State University. She held higher education management positions between 1998 and 2012.
1998-2000 - head of Foreign Languages’ Department, Moscow New Institute of Law, Armenian Branch.
2000-2007 - founding head of English Language and Teaching Methodology Department at the Armenian State Pedagogical University. From 2000 to 2007 - Yerevan State Linguistic University.
2008-2012 Head of the English Communication Chair Yerevan State Linguistic University. Since 2000 permanent member of Armenian YSU-NAS Doctoral Dissertation Review and Degree Awarding Commission in Linguistics, also in different periods - in Psychology and Education. She is the author of over a dozen manuals and handbooks, a monograph, around 70 peer-reviewed articles and chapters in Applied Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, Communication and Education. Between 2000 and 2013 Gayane Hovhannisyan practiced Forensic Linguistic expertise.
Current interests - Language personality: social pragmatic, cultural, communicative, educational and psychological aspects.

Public activity and professional membership

Handbooks and manuals
Book chapters
Book review