
Gawayn is a 2009 French-Italian-Belgian-Portuguese-Swiss-Canadian animated television series created and designed by Jan Van Rijsselberge. It is produced by Alphanim, Gaumont Animation and Mondo TV, and the series has been translated into different languages. The title of the show refers to King Arthur's nephew Gawain. As of April 2012, Gawayn has been shown on the Starz Kids & Family cable network. It was also the first Alphanim-produced cartoon to get dubbed in Japanese.


In the mystical city of Camelot, William is an optimistic knight-in-training who is devoted to his mentor, knight in gleaming armour, Sir Roderick. The complication starts when the evil Duke of Amaraxos shrinks Princess Gwendolyn and takes over the kingdom, so the friends accompanied with Elspeth, an apprentice sorceress and Xiao Long, a young sage-in-training from distant Asia, set off on an adventure to undo the terrible curse.



Season 1

Season 2


The Series is originally going to be named "The Questers" in 2007. One series of 52 thirteen-minute episodes were produced by production companies Alphanim and
Mondo TV France for the French TV Series: Sherlock Yack , Lulu Vroumette and Marcus Level . version and Mondo TV Italy for the Italian Version. The English version is also translated by Mondo TV France.
A second season has also been produced.

International broadcasts