Ganna (seeress)

Ganna was a seeress among the Semnones, a Germanic people. She was the successor of Veleda at the end of the 1st century. She was politically active and acted as a diplomat and representative of her tribe in negotiations with Roman Emperor Domitian.
Ganna accompanied Masyas to negotiate with Emperor Domitian, either during his temporary stay in Gaul, or in Rome. Like her predecessor Veleda, Ganna probably also had political influence in addition to her religious functions in divination, prophecy, and magical incantations. The name Ganna is interpreted as connected to the Old Norse gandr "magic wand". As in the case of the seeresses Veleda, Waluburg, and perhaps Albruna the name is related to the "speaking" role of a prophet. However, her name may also derive from the Proto-Celtic geneta.