Gang des postiches

The Gang des postiches was a famous team of bank robbers that operated in Paris between 1981 and 1986. With a rare boldness, they attacked about thirty banks.
They would enter the bank dressed in common clothing and wearing false mustaches, beards, and wigs. After entering the bank, they would separate into two groups, the first responsible for taking hostages, while the second went about acquiring cash and emptying safe deposit boxes.
It is estimated that the total value of their activities may have exceeded 30 million euro.


The hub of the gang were individuals from Belleville who had been friends but also delinquents from a young age. Main players were:
It is known that the group consisted of a core group of five or six members from eastern Paris, but there were other loose members as well. They convened to commit a series of hold-ups, even several on the same day, then separated for a while, sometimes went abroad, before they would reconvene. This bank robbery team was considered one of the best in France's history.

The media

Amidst the robberies, and in the absence of any leads for the investigators, journalists treated the robbers almost as heroes, since the gang were respectful to their hostages and did not hurt them. The robbers addressed the bank patrons and benefited from a strong sympathy among ordinary people, who smiled more than they were bothered when they heard that the Gang des postiches had struck again. There was even talk of the gang following a leftist guerilla ideology, which was clearly erroneous.

The final chapter

The police and the government eventually lost their patience with the ease with which the Gang des postiches operated and their mythification by the press. All available resources were deployed to combat them. The police developed an anti-wig device in Paris bank branches. This system was far from effective, but the gang felt the pressure rising around them. They became more cautious, more nervous and less courteous with the hostages.
On 14 January 1986, one such device was triggered, summoning the BRB and the BRI to the branch of Crédit Lyonnais on 39, rue du Docteur-Blanche, in the 16th arrondissement, this time it was effective. Police discreetly surrounded the bank, knowing that the gang was inside, to stop them when they came out. Unfortunately when they came out the situation devolved into chaos, owing to the rash behavior of the head of the BRB, Raymond Mertz, who started a shootout, in which Bruno Berliner and a police officer, Jean Vrindts, were killed. In addition, three more policemen were wounded. Marguery was arrested but some of the other robbers managed to escape. Patrick Geay was apprehended, but was released after another, unidentified, member of the gang took the policeman hostage. Geay and his companion took off in a policecar with their hostages.
The fiasco revealed serious shortcomings of the police headquarters at 36 quai des Orfèvres, eventually leading to L'affaire Loiseau. See below.
While policemen pointed the finger at the BRB director for the fiasco, he was cleared. This situation led to protest and demonstration at 36 quai des Orfèvres in which it was demanded that Mertz be sacked. In response, the police authorities involved the IGS to break up the protest. Later, Mertz was even promoted to deputy director of the Paris police. Dominique Loiseau, a BRI officer, was accused of being a mole. Although he was tried and convicted, serious doubts remained, among some, about the facts. After almost seven years in prison, he was pardoned by François Mitterrand in 1993.


On 31 Januari 1986, Serge Hernout, nicknamed Nounours, who was a suspected getaway driver for the gang, was arrested in his home at Bagnolet.
On 5 August 1986 Bellaïche and Geay were arrested in Italy. On 23 November 1986, Jean-Claude Myszka organised, together with François Besse the escape from prison of André Bellaïche and his cell mate Gian Luigi Esposito. They returned to France in a stolen car.
Jean-Claude Myszka, André Bellaïche, and Patrick Geay were arrested together with Gian Luigi Esposito in December 1986, in a villa in Yerres after almost a year on the run. A large part of the last five robberies was recovered.

Fate of the members or affiliates

In 2004, the case of the Gang des postiches resurfaced when serial killer Michel Fourniret admitted that he acquired his fortune from the Gang des postiches, when he recovered some of the gold which had been hidden in cemeteries. Fourniret was a former cellmate of Jean-Pierre Hellegouarch whose partner, Farida Hamiche, helped Fourniret recover the gold, she was subsequently murdered.

In popular culture