Gan Wee Teck

Gan Wee Teck is a Malaysian mathematician of Chinese descent, and Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at the National University of Singapore. He is known for his work on automorphic forms and representation theory in the context of the Langlands program, especially the theory of theta correspondence, the Gan–Gross–Prasad conjecture and the Langlands program for Brylinski–Deligne covering groups.


Though born in Malaysia, Gan grew up in Singapore and attended Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School, the Chinese High School, and Hwa Chong Junior College. He did his undergraduate studies at Churchill College, Cambridge University, followed by graduate studies at Harvard University, working under Benedict Gross and obtaining his Ph.D. in 1998. He was subsequently a faculty member at Princeton University and University of California, San Diego before moving to the National University of Singapore in 2010.


With his collaborators, Gan has resolved several basic problems in the theory of theta correspondence, such as the Howe duality conjecture and the Siegel–Weil formula. He has also made contributions to the Gross–Prasad conjecture, the local Langlands correspondence and the representation theory of metaplectic groups.

Selected works