Galaksija BASIC

Galaksija BASIC was the BASIC interpreter of the Galaksija build-it-yourself home computer from Yugoslavia. While being partially based on code taken from TRS-80 Level 1 BASIC, which the creator believed to have been a Microsoft BASIC, the extensive modifications of Galaksija BASIC—such as to include rudimentary array support, video generation code and generally improvements to the programming language—is said to have left not much more than flow-control and floating point code remaining from the original.
The core implementation of the interpreter was fully contained in the 4 KiB ROM "A" or "1". The computer's original mainboard had a reserved slot for an extension ROM "B" or "2" that added more commands and features such as a built-in Zilog Z80 assembler.

ROM "A"/"1" symbols and keywords

The core implementation, in ROM "A" or "1", contained 3 special symbols and 32 keywords:
The extended BASIC features, in ROM "B" or "2", contained one extra reserved symbol and 22 extra keywords: