Gai lan

Gai lan or kai-lan is the Cantonese name for Chinese broccoli or Chinese kale; jie lan is its Mandarin name. It is a leaf vegetable with thick, flat, glossy blue-green leaves with thick stems, and florets similar to broccoli. Another Brassica oleracea cultivar, gai lan is in the group alboglabra. When gone to flower, its white blossoms resemble that of its cousin Matthiola incana or Hoary Stock. The flavor is very similar to that of broccoli, but slightly more bitter. It is also noticeably stronger than broccoli.


is a hybrid between broccoli and gai lan, produced by


Gai lan can be sown in late summer for early-winter harvesting. Seedlings planted in autumn will last all winter. As with other plants, Gai Lan should be harvested and consumed just as white flowers start to bloom as the stems can become woody and tough when the plant bolts.


Gai lan is eaten widely in Chinese cuisine, Common preparations include gai lan stir-fried with ginger and garlic, and boiled or steamed and served with oyster sauce. It is also common in Vietnamese, Burmese and Thai cuisine.
In Americanized Chinese food, gai lan was frequently replaced by broccoli, when gai lan was not available.