Gabriel Brunet de Sairigné

Gabriel Brunet de Sairigné was a French Army officer of the French Foreign Legion. He was born in Paris, and was killed in the line of duty close to Lagnia Bien Hoa.


He went to the Lycée Pasteur and the Lycée Saint-Louis in Paris before joining the famous École Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr in 1933.

World War II

During World War II, he participated with the Free French Forces in:
He finished the war with the rank of lieutenant colonel, commandant in chief of the First French Free Division.
His personal notes dealing with his campaigns during World War II were published after his death.

First Indochina War

He was a colonel during the First Indochina War serving with the French Foreign Legion and became the commanding officer of the 13th Foreign Legion Demi-Brigade between 21 August 1946 and his death in the line of duty on 1 March 1948.
