Gabriel Andrew Dirac

Gabriel Andrew Dirac was a Hungarian/British mathematician who mainly worked in graph theory. He served as Erasmus Smith's Professor of Mathematics at Trinity College Dublin 1964-1966. In 1952, he gave a sufficient condition for a graph to contain a Hamiltonian circuit. The previous year, he conjectured that n points in the plane, not all collinear, must span at least two-point lines, where is the largest integer not exceeding x. This conjecture was proven true when n is sufficiently large by Green and Tao in 2012.


Dirac started his studies at St John's College Cambridge in 1942, but by 1942 the war saw him serving in the aircraft industry. He received his MA in 1949, and moved to the University of London, getting his Ph.D. "On the Colouring of Graphs: Combinatorial topology of Linear Complexes" there under Richard Rado.


Dirac's main academic positions were at the University of Vienna, University of Hamburg, Trinity College Dublin, University of Wales at Swansea. and Aarhus University.


He was born Balázs Gábor in Budapest, to Richard Balazs and Margit "Manci" Wigner. When his mother married Paul Dirac in 1937, he and his sister resettled in England and were formally adopted, changing their family name to Dirac.