GSAT-12 is communication satellite designed and developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation. It is the only satellite to be launched and placed using PSLV.


GSAT-12 is considered to be a replacement of the aged satellite INSAT-3B. It will provide services like tele-education, tele-medicine, disaster management support and satellite internet access.

People behind the GSAT-12

GSAT-12 was launched by the all women core team. The project director was Anuradha TK, the mission director was Pramoda Hegde and the Operations director was Anuradha.S.Prakash.


GSAT-12 is equipped with 12 Extended C-band transponders.


GSAT-12 was launched onboard PSLV-XL C-17 from second launch pad of Satish Dhawan Space Centre on July 15, 2011. The tentative life of satellite is 8 years.