Fyodor Gogel

Fyodor Grigorevich Gogel was a lieutenant-general of the Russian Empire, principally known for his service during the Napoleonic Wars.


Born in Saratov, to a noble family, Fyodor was the brother of Ivan Gogel, and a relative of Alexander Gogel. Fyodor entered military service on 12 January 1785, and became a captain, several years later, on 12 January 1792.
In 1805, he fought at Austerlitz. In 1812, he fought at Saltanovka, Smolensk, Shevardino, Borodino, Vyazma and Krasnyi.
For his service during the Napoleonic Wars, he received the Order of St. Anna, Order of St. George, Order of St. George, as well as the Prussian Pour le Mérite.
Fyodor was promoted to lieutenant-general on 24 December 1824.