Fusion (Kent State University)

Fusion is a student magazine at Kent State University. It was started in the fall of 2003 by founding editors Mandy Jenkins, Marie Cornuelle, and adviser Kate Common. Since then, the magazine has won several awards and continues to expand its audience base. Published twice a year by KSU students, Fusion addresses sexual minority issues within the general population using illustrative photo essays and in-depth feature articles. Available in print and online, the magazine strives to unify people of different backgrounds through education and awareness. Past stories tackled political trends, religion and sexuality, domestic partner benefits, LGBT athletes in the NCAA, anti-discrimination policies, parents coming out to spouses and children, gay adoption, AIDS support groups, physical and mental health issues, social change and more. Its national advertisers have included the popular lesbian magazine, Curve, as well as Pride & Equality Magazine.


The Gay Community Endowment Fund of Akron Community Foundation awarded a $2,000 grant to Fusion in December 2006. GCEF's grant helped the magazine increase its circulation, exposing more college students to LGBT issues. Seventy-five percent of the publication's budget comes from student fees via the Student Media Policy Committee, leaving twenty-five percent to be raised through advertising and fundraising.


Since the beginning of its publication Fusion magazine received recognition from several national journalism organizations.


Mark of Excellence Awards:
Mark of Excellence Awards:
Mark of Excellence Awards:
Magazine Division Awards:
Magazine Division Awards:
Magazine Division Awards: