Fulvio Tomizza

Fulvio Tomizza was an Italian writer. He was born in Giurizzani di Materada in Istria, to a middle-class family of ancient southern Dalmatian origins. Tomizza grew up in a zone where the dialect was mixed.
He completed high school at the Italian Liceo "Carlo Combi" of Capodistria. After the diploma, he had experiences of study and work in Yugoslavia.
Following the 1954 annexation of Zone B by Yugoslavia, Tomizza moved to Trieste.
Most of his writing career took place there, including three books set in the Istria of his youth.
Other works include the figure of the bishop-reformer Pier Paolo Vergerio, the life of the exiled Istrians in Italy, some events concerning the Slovenian community in Italy, some fictions set in the Venetian territory and various articles.
The two books translated into English and published in the U.S. are Heavenly Supper: The Story of Maria Janis, translated by Anne Jacobson Shutte, and Materada, translated by Russell Scott Valentino.
A study on the author in English: https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:be1d8655-e5b6-40e1-94b7-7c173808e8a1
