Fuldaer Zeitung

The Fuldaer Zeitung is a regional German daily newspaper for the city of Fulda and its region, the east of Hesse, published since 1 January 1874., with its regional subsidiaries it has a total circulation of over 51,000.
The newspaper was founded by Johannes Parzeller, owner of the Fulda printing and publishing company Parzeller Verlag. The paper employs some 150 people, and also publishes the magazine of the local historical society, the Fuldaer Geschichtsblätter.


The first copy appeared on 1 January 1874, printed in what was then called the Fuldaer Actiendruckerei. Around 1000 subscriptions to the Catholic-oriented paper, which appeared three times a week.
In 1929 the paper warned its readers of the dangers of Nazi ideology: "The national socialism of the Hitler party, the overestimation of nationalism, the belief in violence and power can never agree with Catholic doctrine. The antisemitic tendencies and the injunctions toward violence hurt more than just Catholic convictions about state and society, but also the ten commandments, which apply to all humanity."
In 1933 was barred from publication for four days on the allegation that it had published a call from Catholic organizations critical of the government. The editorial and printing rooms were destroyed by SA and SS members on 10 December 1933. From 1935 to 1945 it was censored.
