Fugget About It is a Canadian adultanimated sitcom created by Nicholas Tabarrok and Willem Wennekers for Teletoon's late night block, Teletoon at Night. The show is rated 14A for sexuality, violence, and profanity. The show was created from the Pilot Project contest on Teletoon. The show premiered in the United States, exclusively on Hulu on October 13, 2013. On June 9, 2014, it was announced that a third season of the show had been ordered. It was revealed at Fan Expo Canada 2015 that the third season would air in November on Adult Swim.
The series follows a New York CityMafia capo who moves to Regina, Saskatchewan to join the Witness Protection Program because he killed his mob boss. While pleading for his uncle Cheech's life, Don Gambini told Jimmy that he was required to kill his uncle. Then he made a sexual innuendo about Jimmy's oldest daughter Theresa, so Jimmy threw Don Gambini out the 19th-floor window to his death. The rest of the Gambini mob retaliated by trying to kill Jimmy, not caring if any of his family got killed. With no other options, Jimmy cuts a deal with the FBI to protect his family, and they agree to place the Falcones in Witness Protection if Jimmy testifies against his fellow mobsters. This results in Jimmy and his family moving to Regina and living a new life under the name McDougal.
James Danger "Jimmy" Falcone voiced by Tony Nappo - The man who rats out his former mob members to the FBI and has his family relocated to Regina, Saskatchewan via witness protection. He consistently calls the city "Vagina" as opposed to Regina and works for the Regina Tourism Office. His ill-fated attempts to meld his mobster lifestyle with the Canadian way drive many of the series' plots.
Cookie Falcone voiced by Jacqueline Pillon - Jimmy Falcone 's sensible wife. They met when she was stripping at a club. She loves her children and hates Uncle Cheech because he's the reason her family had to move to Canada. She has a brother named Paulie who is similar to Petey, but she can't mention him because he ratted Jimmy out in the past.
Cheech Falcone voiced by Chuck Shamata - Jimmy's uncle and the reason the Falcone family is in Witness Protection. He's an alcoholic and gets into stupid antics which sometimes drive episode plots.
Theresa Maria Falcone voiced by Emilie-Claire Barlow - Cookie and Jimmy's eldest. She is 17 and incredibly ditzy, and often uses her looks to attract boys.
Peter Frampton "Petey" Falcone voiced by Danny Smith - Cookie and Jimmy's middle child and only son. He is 14, a straight-A student, eco-friendly activist and pacifist—which gets him pegged as a "loser" at school. His personality contrasts with that of his family. It also revealed that he takes after his uncle Paulie.
Gina Madonna Falcone voiced by Linda Kash - Cookie and Jimmy's youngest. She's 7 and takes after her father and uncle in her mobster mentality. Sometimes she wants to kill Cheech for making them move to Canada. She has a crush on Don Gambini's son Carmine, who's similar to her and also likes her.
Special Agent Strait McCool voiced by Ted Atherton - A well-meaning and friendly Royal Canadian Mounted Police agent assigned to oversee the McDougal family, and an ever-present thorn in Jimmy's side whenever the latter attempts to pull off a scheme. He is a parody of the Canadian Mountie Dudley Do-Right from The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show in the segment "Dudley Do-Right and the Mounties", right down to his voice and a horse named Horse. His catchphrase seems to be "For Canada, where..." ending by mentioning something relating to an episode's plot.