Fueter–Pólya theorem

The Fueter–Pólya theorem, first proved by Rudolf Fueter and George Pólya, states that the only quadratic pairing functions are the Cantor polynomials.


In 1873, Georg Cantor showed that the so-called Cantor polynomial
is a bijective mapping from to.
The polynomial given by swapping the variables is also a pairing function.
Fueter was investigating whether there are other quadratic polynomials with this property, and concluded that this is not the case assuming. He then wrote to Pólya, who showed the theorem does not require this condition.


If is a real quadratic polynomial in two variables whose restriction to is a bijection from to then it is


The original proof is surprisingly difficult, using the Lindemann–Weierstrass theorem to prove the transcendence of
for a nonzero algebraic number.
In 2002, M. A. Vsemirnov published an elementary proof of this result.

Fueter–Pólya conjecture

The theorem states that the Cantor polynomial is the only quadratic paring polynomial of and. The Cantor polynomial can be generalized to higher degree as bijection of ℕk with ℕ for k > 2. The conjecture is that these are the only such pairing polynomials.

Higher dimensions

The generalization of the Cantor polynomial in higher dimensions is as follows:
The sum of these binomial coefficients yields a polynomial of degree in variables. It is an open question whether every degree polynomial which is a bijection arises as a permutation of the variables of the polynomial.