Fu Jin

Fu Jin. Ph.D in Chinese Literature. Professor of National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts and Nanjing University. Vice Chairman of the Chinese Literature and Art Association, Member Discussants of the State Council of China, Chief of the Academic Committee of the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts, Director of the Chinese Traditional Drama Research Institute, and Chief Editor of Theatrical Art journal.
Fu Jin has been a critic of Chinese Theatre, Critical Theory, and Modern Chinese theatre study for many years. He has published more than ten books and three hundred papers.


"The history of Chinese Theatre"
"The Speech of Art and Aesthetics"
"To pass the flame of remembrance onto the next generation ---The Theoretical and Practical experiment on Intangible Cultural Heritage in China"
"Chinese Theatre History after 1949"
"The strength of Grass Roots---Field research on Tai Zhou Traditional Theatre"

Chief Editor

Historical Documentation of Beijing Opera and continuation
60 years of Beijing Arts: 1949-2009—Volume of Theatre