Friends and Nervous Breakdowns

Friends and Nervous Breakdowns is the first/debut album by rapper Weerd Science also the former drummer of progressive rock bands 3 and current drummer of Coheed and Cambria. A video was released for "Conspiracy Theories w/ out Mel Gibson".

Track listing

  1. "Intro" – 1:55
  2. "Conspiracy Theories w/ out Mel Gibson" – 3:40
  3. "My War, Your Problem" – 3:34
  4. "Ordinary Joe " – 4:41
  5. "Girl, Your Baby's Worm Food" – 4:29
  6. "Blueprint" – 5:44
  7. "In a City With No Name" – 4:44
  8. "God Bless Pepsi" – 3:38
  9. "Fuck You & Your Filthy A&R Dept." – 3:42
  10. "Joshua, They're Laughing at You" – 3:23
  11. "Super Friends" – 5:23
  12. "How to Be a Terrorist" – 4:41
  13. "The Sitcom Really Really Isn't All That Real" – 4:26
  14. "Methods n Test Tubes" – 4:21
  15. "Kill Your Rapper" – 1:41
