Friedrichshafen FF.33

Friedrichshafen FF.33 was a German single-engined reconnaissance three-bay wing structure biplane, using twin floats, designed by Flugzeugbau Friedrichshafen in 1914 for the Marine-Fliegerabteilung aviation forces of the Kaiserliche Marine.




;: Four FF.33Es and four FF.33Ls stationed since 1916 at the German Naval Air Station Peynerdjik near Varna on the Black Sea were transferred in June 1918 to the Bulgarian Navy. They were scrapped in 1920 in accordance with the clauses of the Peace Treaty.
;: Finnish Air Force purchased two FF.33Es from Germany in February 1918. The first one arrived on 20 April 1918 to Vaasa and the other one in the summer of 1918. The aircraft wore the German designation numbers 1999 and 1998, which were changed into the FAF designation numbers F16 and F24. Another FF.33E was purchased from the Germans in Estonia on 26 November 1918. The type was in FAF service between 1918–1923.
;: Kaiserliche Marine
;: Royal Netherlands Navy
;: Polish Navy operated three: FF.33E, FF.33H, FF.33L in 1920-1922