Fried Egg Records

Fried Egg Records was a record label set up in 1979 by Andy Leighton, administrator of the Bristol-based Crystal Theatre. Its first release was by the Theatres anarchic "house band" Shoes For Industry. In its short two-year existence the label did manage to produce records from some of Bristols' more notable bands, plus a compilation LP, 1.



EP (EAT 001, Fried Egg World Tour 1980)

  1. The Viceroys – "Angels in the Rain"
  2. Shoes For Industry – "Sheepdog Trial Inna Babylon"
  3. The Stingrays – "Countdown"
  4. Exploding Seagulls – "Johnny Runs For Paregoric"
  5. Various Artists – "Original Mixed Up Kid"


Reissues on other labels

are currently providing Fried Egg back catalogue tracks for download, through the usual outlets. In February 2010 they released a CD of The Best of Fried Egg Records, which consists of the LP 1 plus 8 additional tracks.

The Best of Fried Egg Records (Bristol 1979–1980)

  1. Shoes For Industry – "Jerusalem"
  2. Pete Brandt's Method – "Positive Thinking"
  3. Art Objects – "Hard Objects"
  4. Exploding Seagulls – "Johnny Runs For Paregoric"
  5. The Wild Beasts – "Minimum Maximum"
  6. Shoes For Industry – "Invasion of the French Boyfriends"
  7. Various Artists – "Original Mixed Up Kid"
  8. The Fans – "Following You"
  9. The Stingrays – "Exceptions"
  10. Various Artists – "Unofficial Secrets"
  11. The Untouchables – "Keep on Walking"
  12. Electric Guitars – "Continental Shelf"
  13. The Fans – "Giving Me That Look in Your Eye"
  14. The Stingrays – "Countdown"
  15. Art Objects – "Fit of Pique"
  16. Electric Guitars – "Health"
  17. The Viceroys – "Angels in the Rain"
  18. Various Artists – "Stephens Body"
  19. Electric Guitars – "Work"
  20. Shoes For Industry – "Sheepdog Trial Inna Babylon"