Free hit

In cricket, a free hit is a delivery to a batsman in which the batsman cannot be dismissed by any methods other than those applicable for a no-ball, namely run out, hit the ball twice and obstructing the field.
It is relevant in One Day Internationals and Twenty20 matches. When a bowler bowls a no-ball, the immediate next ball is a free hit. Additionally, if the ball is delivered full toss above the waist the batsman receives a free hit.


It came into international cricket in October 2007. Initially only foot fault no balls resulted in a free hit.
From 2015, the rules were changed so that all no balls result in a free hit.

Advantage gained

The opportunity afforded by a free hit ball enables the batsman to play a more powerful shot without the fear of getting out by the most common methods. The fault lies with the fielding side, and the advantage is to the batting side. Also, if the ball did hit the stumps, the batsman could afford to steal single runs because the ball is normally considered a dead ball.

Fielding restrictions

The fielding team is not allowed to change the field for the free hit ball, if the same batsman is on strike. However, for safety reasons, if the wicketkeeper is standing up at the stumps he is allowed to move back to a more traditional position.
If the batsmen ran an odd number of runs on the original no-ball, the other batsman is now the striker, and the field may be re-positioned for the free hit. In fact re-positioning is also allowed if the striker changes for whatever reason, for example if a new batsman replaces a striker who is run out on the original no-ball, by failing to make his ground on the second run. The field must also be re-positioned if the no-ball was called for an illegal field placement.


The umpire at the bowler's end signals that the next ball is a free hit by making circular movements in the air with one raised hand. The free hit is carried over to the next ball if the original free hit ball is bowled wide or a no-ball; in this case the umpire is required to signal the free hit again.