Franz Rogowski

Franz Rogowski is a German actor and dancer. He appeared in films by Michael Haneke, Christian Petzold and Terrence Malick.

Life and career

Franz Rogowski was born in 1986 in Freiburg im Breisgau, West Germany. The actor is known for the internationally successful film Victoria. The German thriller is one of the few feature films shot in a single continuous take and won amongst other things the Silver Bear for Outstanding Artistic Contribution for Cinematography as well as the German Film Award in six categories. Since 2015 Rogowski is a member of the Munich Kammerspiele. In 2017, he appeared in the French film Happy End directed by Michael Haneke.
Rogowski became internationally known for his performance in Transit. The German film earned him a nomination for the Florida Film Critics Circle Award. Transit ended up on Barack Obamas list of his favorite films of 2019.
