Francisque Guillebeau

Francisque Guillebeau was a French entomologist, specializing in Coleoptera.
A farmer by trade, he also spent twelve years serving as a justice of the peace. From 1858 to 1874 he was mayor in the town of Le Plantay.
In 1850 he became a corresponding member of the Société linnéenne de Lyon. In Lyon, he had as influences; entomologists Antoine Foudras and Étienne Mulsant, with whom he published several papers on Coleoptera. For many years he abandoned entomological work, resuming these activities later on in life as he conducted collection excursions in France, Switzerland and Austria.
His Coleoptera collection was acquired by Paul de Fréminville, who subsequently made it part of his personal insect collection. Later it was transferred to the Musée de Brou in Bourg-en-Bresse, and since 1997 it has been housed at the Muséum de Lyon.
Guillebeau is the taxonomic authority of numerous species of beetles, as well as the circumscriber of several genera; e.g. Tinodemus, Podocesus, Nesiotus, Entomocnemus and Ochrodemus. He was a member of the Société entomologique de France.

Publications in entomology