Francis Zirra Bazza

Francis Zirra Bazza is a medical doctor doctor of medicine, a philanthropist and a politician. He was caretaker chairman of Michika LGA in Adamawa State, Nigeria from 29 June 2003 to 1 July 2004 and was elected chairman on 4 August 2004.The 2004 result was contested by the All Nigeria Peoples Party, which claimed massive electoral fraud. An electoral tribunal declared the election valid. He is a member of the opposition People's Democratic Party. Hon Dr Francis Zirra is a Knight of St Sylvester and Papal Medalist Benemerenti medal


Dr Francis Zirra was born on 1 December 1963. He studied Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery at University of Jos, Jos. He was the Chief Medical Officer of General Hospital Ganye, then Mubi in the early 90's. Dr Francis Zirra is the founder and currently the Chief Medical Director of Newlife Hospital Mubi. He was awarded the Benemerenti Medal and inaugurated Knight of St Sylvester together with Dr Joseph Jatau, Late Major General Jon Nzarwa, Brig. Gen Sunday Igbinmuanhia and Hon Peter Biye Gumitha by The Papal Nuncio to Nigeria Arch Bishop Antonio Guido Filipazzi