Franci Petek

Franci Petek is a former Yugoslav/Slovenian ski jumper and a Slovenian geographer.


At the 1991 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships in Val di Fiemme, Petek won a gold medal for Yugoslavia in the individual large hill. Petek's best finish at the Winter Olympics was 6th in the team large hill competition and 8th in the individual large hill at Albertville in 1992. He also finished 22nd in the 1990 Ski Flying World Championships and his only other victory was in an individual large hill competition at Engelberg, Switzerland in 1990.
He married Polona Kamenšek in 2000 and they have three children. Professionally he works as geographer and together with Petra Majdič he is the co-ambassador of Planica.

World Cup

