Francesco Albizzi

Francesco Albizzi was an Italian cardinal.


Cardinal Albizzi was born in Cesena on 24 October 1593 to Tommso Albizzi and FRancesca Funetti. He was ordained Priest in 164. Pope Innocent X made him a Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Via on 2 March 1654 and reclined it on the 23rd.
During his Cardinalate he attended the following Conclaves of conclave of 1655, conclave of 1667, conclave of 1669-70, conclave of 1676 which elected Popes Alexander VII, Clement IX, Clement X and Innocent XI respectively after the conclusion of the following conclaves he had opted for the following titles: Title of Santi Quattro Coronati on 24 August 1671, Title of Santa Maria in Trastevere on 8 January 1680 and Title of Santa Prassede in 1 December 1861, He also became the Camerlengo of the Sacred College of Cardinals on January 1667.
Cardinal Albizzi died in Rome on 5 October 1683, at the age of 90. At his deathbed he was the AOldest living Member of the Sacred College