Foundation for Science and Technology

The Foundation for Science and Technology is a UK charity, providing a neutral platform for debate of policy issues that have a science, technology or innovation element.
Established in 1977, the Foundation brings together Parliamentarians, civil servants, industrialists, researchers, learned societies, charities and others. It convenes monthly discussion at the Royal Society, publishes a three times a year, hosts a weekly and has recently started to produce a on relevant science and technology policy issues. Recent topics of discussion include international research collaboration post- Brexit, facial recognition technologies and their ethics, and digital health data. For the most up to date information regarding events, blogs and podcasts, follow the twitter page.
The foundation also organises the , supporting mid- career professionals from universities, industry and the civil service, meeting regularly to develop links and further their understanding of how science and research are conducted, and how they feed into the policy process. In addition, the Foundation provides guidance on governance issues to Professional and Learned Societies.
The Foundation is directed by a , chaired by The Rt Hon the Lord Willetts FRS. The Chief Executive of the Foundation is . Day to day the foundation is run by a small team of professionals, located in Westminster, London. The Foundation finances its activities by a mixture of subscriptions from member organisations, part-sponsorship of its events, and grants and donations. This enables it to run most of its activities free of charge for participants.