Fortuny Museum

The Museo Fortuny or Fortuny Museum is an art museum in San Marco, in central Venice, Italy.
The museum is housed in the Palazzo Pesaro Orfei, now often known as Palazzo Fortuny, where Mariano Fortuny had a studio in the late nineteenth century, and lived from 1902.
The museum presents paintings, fabrics, and Fortuny’s lamps on the first floor, together with the history of the palazzo and its atelier on the second floor. The building still has features created by Fortuny. The working environment is represented through wall-hangings, paintings, and lamps.
Fortuny died in 1949, and in 1956 the Palazzo Pesaro Orfei was gifted to the comune of Venice; the comune took full possession only in 1965, after the death of Fortuny's widow, Henriette Negrin. The museum was opened in 1975. It is run by the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia.
The website for the museum is at: