Forster Inquiry

The Queensland Health Systems Review or Forster Inquiry was a 2005 Queensland inquiry "to undertake a review of the performance of Queensland Health’s administrative and workforce management systems with a focus on improving health outcomes for Queenslanders." It was conducted by Peter Forster who formerly consulted to the Fitzgerald Inquiry.
It was commissioned by the Queensland Government as a non-judicial inquiry specifically due to the political and public sentiments following the practices of Dr Jayant Patel at Bundaberg Hospital with a broader focus on the practices, systems and processes of Queensland Health.


A doctor at Bundaberg Hospital, Dr Jayant Patel, originally accused of gross negligence, and the systems of Queensland Health in allowing such alleged negligence was the subject of considerable public and political attention.
A number of inquiries were initiated by the Queensland Government. The Queensland Premier, Peter Beattie announced his government would "go further than holding a Commission of Inquiry into matters arising from the appointment of Dr Jayant Patel by also holding a major review of Queensland Health's administration, management and performance systems."
The Morris Inquiry or "Bundaberg Hospital Commission of Inquiry", was established, however was terminated after findings of bias by the Queensland Supreme Court, with terms of reference and interim investigations referred to the Forster Inquiry. Davies Commission was later established to complete the terms of reference of the Bundaberg Hospital Commission of Inquiry, as "Queensland Public Hospitals Commission of Inquiry".
The Forster Inquiry was announced on 16 April 2005, and the report was issued on September 2005.


Recommendations included:
Implementation of the recommendations is unclear, however the impact to staff and patients post review has faced criticism. For example, the difficulty of employing overseas trained doctors may have exacerbated staff shortage issues. Many of the original charges against Dr Jayant Patel were dropped, and this may have had the effect of diluting public sentiment to the original issues that led to the inquiry.