Food frequency questionnaire

Food frequency questionnaire is a questionnaire used to obtain frequency and, in some cases, portion size information about food and beverage consumption over a specified period of time, typically the past month or year. FFQs are a common dietary assessment tool used in large epidemiologic studies of diet and health. Examples of usage include assessment of intake of vitamins and other nutrients, assessment of the intake of toxins, and estimating the prevalence of dietary patterns such as vegetarianism. It is an example of a dietary assessment tool.

Structure and data collected


A FFQ includes questions on a set of food and beverage items. For each food or beverage item, there may be questions asking about the following:
In addition to foods and beverages, FFQs often ask about the frequency of intake and dosages of commonly consumed dietary supplements.

Length and administration format

A FFQ that aims to capture total dietary intake includes questions on 80 to 120 food and beverage items, and takes 30 to 60 minutes to complete.
FFQs may be interviewer-administered in case of low literacy as well as when being conducted on children.
FFQs are intended for individual rather than household use. For very young children, the FFQ may be answered by a parent or guardian instead.

Types of FFQs

FFQs are classified as:

Similar diet assessment tools

FFQ is a common method for dietary assessment, i.e., for constructing the respondent's diet history. Some other methods include:
FFQs, as well as other retrospective diet assessment methods have the advantage that they do not directly affect the behavior of the respondent. In contrast, weighted food records may influence the participant's eating behavior. Weighted food records also carry a high respondent burden.
One disadvantage of FFQs and other retrospective methods is that they may be less accurate because participants are relying on memory rather than information recorded in real time.

Advantages and disadvantages relative to the 24-hour diet recall

FFQs have the following advantages:
FFQs have many disadvantages:
Due to some of the concerns surrounding the validity and reliability of FFQs, research using a FFQ generally also tests the validity of the FFQ. In a typical research design, the FFQ is validated against another dietary assessment technique on a small population. Once validated, the FFQ can be distributed to a wider population with the same characteristics. The need to validate FFQs against diet recalls or other more reliable methods is a recurrent theme in research and guidance on FFQs.

Food frequency questionnaires in use

Specificity to populations

Since FFQs list specific food and beverage items, a FFQ designed for and validated against one population is not valid for other populations. Therefore, FFQs must be appropriately modified and revalidated against new populations. A few key challenges include:
A number of standard FFQs are available for adults in the United States. There is also research based on FFQs in the United Kingdom, although weighted food records are more common there. FFQs have also been developed in Sweden and other Northern and Western European countries. There has been some research on FFQs in other regions, such as the Middle East and Mediterranean, Sri Lanka, and Shanghai, China.

Common FFQs in the United States

The list below is drawn from existing lists of food frequency questionnaires. All questionnaires in the list below are validated through multiple research studies.
Questionnaire nameDeveloperFormat of administrationType of FFQLength
Harvard FFQ, also known as the Harvard Service FFQ and the Willett FFQWalter Willett, M.D., and his colleagues at Harvard University Pen and paper version only; booklet plus analysis cost roughly $15.00-20.00 per questionnaireSemi-quantitativeThe booklet has 19 pages and 18 questions, with some of the questions having a large number of parts.
Diet History Questionnaire National Cancer Institute's Risk Factor Assessment Branch. The first version, DHQ I, was developed by a team including Fran Thompson and Amy Subar and described in a paper published in 2001.DHQ I had a single version and was paper-and-pencil-only. DHQ II has four versions, each of which can be taken online or using paper-and-pencil. A Canadian version is also available. Sample PDFs for paper versions are freely available. Other languages supported are Spanish and French.Semi-quantitativeDHQ I had 124 questions and took an hour to complete. DHQ II has 134 questions in each of its four versions.
Block FFQNational Cancer Institute, under the direction of Gladys Block. The questionnaire design was described in a 1986 paper and the first research paper validating the questionnaire was published in 1990. The FFQ was subsequently modified and a web version was created.Pen-and-paper and web version, both available at cost. Cost is $2 per respondent for pen-and-paper version, with a minimum of $100.Semi-quantitativeThe 2014 questionnaire has questions of 127 food and beverage items, plus additional questions to adjust for fat, protein, carbohydrate, sugar, and whole grain content.
NHANESNational Cancer InstitutePen-and-paper version mailed to large numbers of respondents periodically. Results are used as comparison baselines for other FFQs. Sample is available online.Non-quantitative The 2003/2004 booklet has 139 questions and 24 pages.

Analysis of data

Calculation of nutrient intake (for semi-quantitative FFQs)

Calculations for nutrient intake can be estimated via computerized software programs that multiply the reported frequency of each food by the amount of nutrient in a serving of that food. References databases commonly used for this purpose are listed below. Note that to estimate total nutrient intake, it is necessary to include dietary supplements in the FFQ and add the nutrient intake from these, particularly when dealing with populations where the consumption of dietary supplements is common.
For non-quantitative FFQs, nutrient intake cannot be calculated as accurately, but the FFQ can still be used to get a rough idea of nutrient consumption.

Calculation of food groups consumed

A related use of FFQs is to determine how much people consume broad groups of foods. Examples of such food groups are fruits, vegetables, and added sugars. A useful database for this purpose is the USDA's Food Patterns Equivalents Database.

Comparison data

In the United States, data from NHANES is used to provide nationwide comparison data.

Population-level analyses

FFQs can be used for a variety of population-level analyses:
The low validity of FFQs has made them a subject of criticism. Walter Willett, developer of the Harvard FFQ, estimated a correlation of 0.60 to 0.70 between standard FFQs and diet recalls.
Alan R. Kristal, Ulrike Peters and John D. Potter wrote in their article "Is It Time to Abandon the Food Frequency Questionnaire?" that there was not much scope to learn more from FFQs, and that a more curious and exploratory approach was needed to uncover new insights on diet and its correlation with health status.
The National Cancer Institute has argued that through careful bias correction, some of the limitations of FFQs can be overcome, and they can be very useful.