
Flubendazole is an anthelmintic. Its brand name is Flutelmium which is a paste manufactured by Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. used by veterinarians for protection against internal parasites and worms in dogs and cats. Other brand names are Flubenol, Biovermin, and Flumoxal.
It is also available for human use to treat worm infections. It is available OTC in Europe.
Since 2000, Flubendazole-treated grit has increasingly been laid out on a landscape-scale across many UK grouse-shooting moors by gamekeepers in an attempt to reduce the impact on bird numbers from strongyle worm. Evidence of high worm burden is required before a veterinarian can dispense and sell the product, known as 'medicated grit'. However, there has been increasing concern about contaminants entering the ground waters running off from moorlands, as well as from its use in farming environments and its presence in manure. Researchers are starting to gather research evidence in order to inform policy development on the presence of this and other veterinary medicines in the wider environment.