Flesh 'n' Blood (TV series)

Flesh 'n' Blood is an American sitcom television series created by Michael J. DiGaetano and Lawrence Gay, that aired on NBC from September 19 to November 15, 1991, as part of its 1991 fall lineup. The series was created and executive produced by Michael J. Di Gaetano and Lawrence Gay.


Flesh 'n' Blood is the story of Baltimore Assistant District Attorney Rachel Brennan, an attractive, driven young woman who had almost everything, including overwhelming political ambition and the talent to back it up. The one major thing which she lacked was her birth family – she was acutely aware of how her birth mother had put her up for adoption, and longed to meet her.
While Rachel's birth mother didn't miraculously turn up during this program's brief run, someone else did, namely Arlo Weed, a Southern redneck and something of a con man. Claiming to be Rachel's brother, Arlo was a widower with three children who made himself at home in Rachel's home and in her life, spicing it up with his homely aphorisms and general manner of rural conviviality. Other characters included Rachel's ambitious investigator, Marty Travers, and Irene, Rachel's secretary who soon developed designs on Arlo. Whether anything was to become of these schemes is unknown; Flesh 'n' Blood was not successful in attracting an audience and was cancelled less than two months after its premiere.


Awards and nominations