First Lady of Kenya

The first lady of Kenya is the title held by the wife of the president of Kenya. The country's present first lady is Margaret Kenyatta, wife of President Uhuru Kenyatta, who took office on 9 April 2013.

First ladies of Kenya

Daniel arap Moi and his wife, Lena Moi, separated in 1974. However, they remained married until her death on 22 July 2004.Later on, in 2020 February, her husband Daniel arap Moi died. Ngina reportedly retained her first lady status even after the death of her husband in 1978. Official papers and statements released by the Kenyan government identified Lena Moi as the country's "second first lady."
In 2016 April, Kenya lost the 3rd First lady Lucy Kibaki who died while undergoing treatment in the UK London. She was the wife to the 3rd president of Kenya Mwai KIbaki.