Fips Asmussen

Rainer Pries, best known by his stage name Fips Asmussen, is a German comedian and entertainer, known for his rapid delivery of puns and bad jokes.


Fips Asmussen attended an advertising academy, and graduated with a diploma. He is a skilled typesetter.
Since the early 1970s he has worked as a comedian, mostly on stage, sometimes on radio and TV. Many of his performances were released as frequently best-selling sound recordings. He has also published several books.
Fips Asmussen's early comedy was more sophisticated and political. His later comedy performances became known for unfunny, mostly politically incorrect jokes and puns delivered in his trademark rapid-fire stream, often considered to be "so unfunny they're funny again." He is frequently the butt of jokes by other comedians, but has gained a cult following in Germany.
The Hamburg-born comedian lives in Querfurt.


Asmussen's version of "Mein Gott Walter" by Mike Krüger appeared in German single charts. He made parodies of other songs.


Known CDs:
Witze am laufenden Band 1
Witze am laufenden Band 2
Eine Mütze voller Witze
Au weia!
Aber Hallo …
Das halt’ ich im Kopf nicht aus!
Balla balla
In der Haifischbar
Schlag auf Schlag
Kennen Sie den?
Er nun wieder!
Von Vegesack bis Titisee
Auch das noch!
… aus dem Leben gegriffen
Spaß muss sein
Jetzt geht’s rund
Da bleibt kein Auge trocken
Gnadenlos witzig
Grobe Feinheiten
Frei nach Schnauze!
Ausgefallene Einfälle
Das pralle Leben
2007 - Saustark

Other Information

and Fips Asmussen maintain a humorous/eristic rivalry.
Asmussen has accused the entertainer and comedian Dieter Hallervorden several times of using various gags without his consent, such as the famous "bottle of French fries" skit, which Hallervorden bought for his program from the entertainer Heinz Quermann. This controversy was eventually parodied by Harald Schmidt and Oliver Pocher in the show "Schmidt & Pocher".