Filmmakers Without Borders

Filmmakers Without Borders or FWB is a registered 501 non-profit organization that sends filmmakers and art educators overseas to teach film, media, and technology to students in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. FWB's mission is similar to that of the Peace Corps in the United States.


Filmmakers Without Borders is committed to leveraging the filmmaking process as a vehicle for promoting student empowerment and cross-cultural exchange in the developing world. It is FWB's mission to connect experienced, passionate, and talented filmmakers/art educators with youth in underserved communities and to use digital tools and technologies as a medium for equipping the next generation of global citizens with the 21st-century skills necessary to be creative individuals in the digital age.

Fellowship program

Filmmakers Without Borders provides fully funded fellowships to experienced filmmakers, anthropologists, and educators. FWB Fellows live and teach overseas for one academic year. FWB and its partners provide flights, housing, food, curriculum, and equipment for the entire year.